Monday, May 9, 2011

Knowledge is Power - Prologue (rewrite)

Signs of a Knower are easy enough to pick out. When the gift kicks in, you find yourself answering any question that reaches your ears, whether you knew the answer previously or not. Unlimited knowledge was yours - until the Elite came for you, that is.
No one knew what they did to the people they took, the only thing they could do was hope that they would see them again - not everyone showed up on the council. People prayed, hoped, even begged to see their dearly departed, until the seven weeks had passed. That was when the mourning began, because then you knew they were gone for good.
It wasn't like this was something rare, either. People disappeared every week, I can't think of anyone who hadn't been effected by their rule. Tears were so regular now that you were lucky to be comforted. I never knew my father. All my mother could ever bring herself to tell me was that the Elite came to the hospital, as I was being born. They walked in, dragged him out, and left. I was kicking ans screaming minutes later.
I will always remember the day my sister was taken. My world seemed like it was going to implode, because my parents were never really there for me - my sister was. I relied on her to keep my head on straight; she had the answers for everything.
I love my mother, but a boy without a father is as lost as a child in a war zone. My hatred of the Council of the Known took deep and immediate root from the beginning. Anyone who feels like it's their right to devour the lives of innocent people deserves to pay the ultimate price. I'd had this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach that I was the one to make them pay, but they knew everything. What could a kid like me do?
Before long I stopped crying. I realized that there was no point, all I wanted to know was what happened to her. Over time, I didn't think about it as much, I mean, the memory of her being dragged away would hit me every now and then, but I did my best to ignore it. It happened and there was nothing I could do about it. Eventually, though, I couldn't think that way anymore. I couldn't just stand back and do nothing any longer.
I had three friends. I didn't talk to anyone else. I didn't dare make another connection that could be obliterated with a mere thought. That was before I met Cera, though. She practically forced her way into my life, and totally changed the my perspective in the process. Before I knew it, we were in the middle of a war; quite literally, on the front lines.
I had no idea what to do, until the day I met Braken. He was just as lost and confused as I was, but the way we just came together was meant to be. A quick plan, and a couple rather rash, snide comments later, we - that is to say 'I,' at least - were in way over our heads; leading a rebellion and leaving our lives behind us. We reached that point and decided that we should catalogue our story, just in case.
Cera and I had no idea if we'd see the whole thing through to the end. We wanted our thoughts and experiences written down, hard copy, so that others would be able to learn from our mistakes and duplicate our successes. Hopefully it helps.

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