Thursday, February 17, 2011

Untitled (thus far) - Prologue

They told me I was lucky to be alive.
I actually agreed with them as they told me - granted, that was right after I woke up in the hospital.
Now I know that I was supposed to die at that pool party. I was supposed to get hit in the head by that wack job's serve. His elbow went right into my nose hard enough to break it and shove the bone up into my skull. I was knocked out instantly. Looking back, I'd have to say I was glad I didn't have to see all the blood that gushed out of my nose and mouth. I didn't have to watch as the girl's parents came running out, ahead of their bawling daughter, with a phone dialing 911 in their hand. I didn't have to feel the paramedics' hands grasp my arms and legs to heave my water logged body onto one of those body-boards.
That's a good thing. I probably would have thrown a fit, kicking and screaming the whole way. I don't do well with people touching me. I'm one of those tough it out kind of people. If I hadn't been knocked out I would have shoved the guy as he tried to make sure I was all right, hobbled out of the pool and driven myself to the hospital. I wasn't awake when the doctors shoved the IV's into my arms. I'm glad for that because I'm not a crier. No one, friend or family, has seen me cry. It just doesn't happen - so much so that must people believe I don't have any tear ducts. I have a feeling though, that those needles being shoved into my arms would have done the trick.
The only thing I'm angry I missed was the doctor's reactions to the MRI. When I woke up it was the first thing my mother told me about. Apparently the charged out of the lab and demanded another MRI, because it just wasn't possible. According to the pictures they were looking at, my nose wasn't broken anymore. It had healed in the two hours I had already been out. Even better, there was no brain damage. I'm not complaining, and they assured my mother that neither were they - but it just wasn't possible.
My mom told me this when I woke up a day later - I tried to get up and leave, according to them there wasn't anything wrong with me, so what was the point of staying? My mother fussed, shoving me back onto the bed, saying the doctors weren't sure I could leave yet.
I got out - eventually.
I wish I was still there.


  1. Ooohhhh, interesting. *decides to imitate a 3-year-old* MORE!!

  2. I like...more more more! You should also post the one about the freaky necklace. And the pirate one...okay maybe that one's a little long. It needs its own blog.
