Tuesday, July 17, 2012

By The Grace Of God - Prologue

     My name is Grace.  As in 'grace of God.' I know it's a weird origin for a teenage girl's name, but I'm not really a teenage girl, so it doesn't matter.  Well - okay, I look, and sometimes, according to my father, act like a teenage girl, but I promise you I'm anything but.  Lemme explain. . .
     You know the old myths, of the Grecian and Roman gods?  Half of them were about the almighty heroes - you know, children of the gods and the mortals they bewitched.  That's kind of what my background is, except I watched the Grecian and Roman gods come and go.  My dad hasn't ever really been considered a god, and there aren't any stories of his children, because, as far as I know, I'm the only one.  That's pretty much all of my own history that I know.  I have no memory of my mother at all.  I can't even really say how I came into being.  I just know that he met my mother in the earliest age.  He tells me that she was the most beautiful woman ever to live - the only woman he'd ever loved, in any time.  I don't think he has ever forgiven himself, through.  He wasn't ever meant to find love - it's not that he isn't capable; it's just not very practical.  His job makes it too painful for him.  After what happened to my mother, he swore he wouldn't ever love again.
     I don't blame him at all.  Despite his power, he cannot fight nature.  He made it as easy as he could for her.  According to his story it was fast, and painless - she gave in to her old age in her sleep, and he walked her to the next life clutching her hand every step of the way.  I was her last gift to him - something for him to remember her by, I guess.  He brought me back, not knowing what to expect.  I like to think that that is where my name really came from - that I was the one grace God allowed him - but I'm almost positive that it was because we are the last grace God gave to the human race.  He'd taken children before, shown them the way to the other side multiple times, but he'd never had to raise one - and he didn't know if I'd be more like her, or him.  After the first 50 years, it was pretty apparent that I would grow into his powers, and that, once I learned to control them I'd be just like him.  That was when he decided that he would train me to take his place in the family business.
     All I want is to make him proud.  Once I agreed to learn from him, I took the same loveless vow.  I've worked myself as hard as I could, and I feel like I'm ready - he just insists that there is more for me to learn.  How much do you have to learn, though, when the reaping of souls is your occupation - especially when Death himself is your father?